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United States Patent  4,672,658
Kavehrad, et. al. Jun. 9, 1987

Spread spectrum wireless PBX
Inventors:  Kavehrad; Mohsen (Holmdel, NJ); McLane; Peter J. (Kingston, CA).
Assignee:  AT&T Company and AT&T Bell Laboratories (Murray Hill, NJ).
Appl. No.:  921,837
Filed:  Oct. 23, 1986

Related U.S. Application Data

Continuation of (including streamline cont.) Ser. No. 788,061, Oct. 16, 1985, abandoned.
Intl. Cl. :  H04M 11/00, H04Q 7/04, H04J 13/00, H04L 27/30
Current U.S. Cl.:  379/63; 370/19; 375/206; 375/207; 375/219; 375/220; 375/347; 375/349; 379/61
Field of Search:  370/18, 19; 375/1, 7; 379/58, 60, 61, 63; 455/38

References Cited

U.S. Patent Documents
4,112,257 Sept., 1978 Frost 179/2.EB
4,291,409 Sept., 1981 Weinberg et al. 375/1
4,455,454 Jun., 1984 Umebayashi 179/2.E
4,538,028 Aug., 1985 Gazzoli et al. 179/2.EA
4,561,089 Dec., 1985 Rouse et al. 370/18
Other References

Freret et al., Proceedings of NTC, Jun. 1980, pp. 69.7.1-69.7.4.

Turin, IEEE Jnl. on Sel. Topics in Comm., Vol. SAC-2, Aug. 1984, pp. 597-603.

Primary Examiner: Rubinson; Gene Z.
Assistant Examiner: Ham; Mark E.
Attorney, Agent or Firm: Padnes; David R., Pfeifle; Erwin W.


The present invention relates to a wireless PBX network wherein direct sequence spread spectrum multiple access is used for voice and data communications to support a plurality of local-local and local-external calls. The present wireless PBX arrangement comprises a plurality of local user transceivers using a first separate unique chip sequence patterns for information communication and a second common chip sequence pattern for call-set up; and a central PBX comprising (a) a plurality of PBX transceivers, each of which uses a separate first chip sequence pattern which is matched to a corresponding local user transceiver; (b) a switching means for interconnecting local users to each other or to an external network via the associated PBX transceivers; and (c) a call set-up receiver responsive solely to initial call set-up information sent by any user using the second common chip sequence pattern. Optional selection diversity or equal gain combining diversity and/or error correction encoding may also be included in the transceivers.

23 Claims, 8 Drawing Figures