CRKC Objective:
CRKC researchers generate solutions for the current and future technical challenges in those areas of technologies, systems, and network architectures that enable the vision of the information age.
Merging fundamental research with real world applications, our research group attempts to improve the performance and reliability of Communications Networked Systems.
CRKC activities include feasibility studies, applied research, software development, hardware prototype development, and education and training.
CRKC mission is to enhance Research and Education in Knowledge Communications through Government / University / Industry partnerships in focused and shared research and development programs. To fulfill this Mission, CRKC will achieve the following three key objectives:
Create relevant world class technology and transfer it to industry,
Increase the flow of university trained researchers skilled in the understanding and application of the strategic technologies.
Stimulate collaborative research with industry/government at CRKC, in order to maximize the intellectual capacity deployed to meet the global challenges in Knowledge Communications.