CRKC - Inc

Selected Accomplishments

2015 to 2017 - Prof. M. Kavehrad was Selected as IEEE Distinguished Lecturer

The IEEE Communications Society's Distinguished Lecturer Tour (DLT) provides the means for ComSoc chapters and other organizations to identify and arrange lectures by renowned authorities on communications and networking-related topics. ComSoc’s Distinguished Speaker Program enables current and past distinguished lecturers as well as ComSoc officers, IEEE Fellows, and prominent speakers to schedule lectures while traveling on business trips at a much reduced cost to ComSoc. The Distinguished Lecturer Program owes its success to the many volunteers of the Communications Society who generously contribute their time and talent. 


1. Multi-Input Multi-Output (MIMO); Potential Applications – Myth and Reality
2. Multi-band, Multi-service, Sensing Metamaterials; Myth & Reality
3. Optical Wireless Applications - A Solution to Ease the Wireless Airwaves Spectrum Crunch
4. Optical Wireless: Theory and Applications
5. Reconfigurable Optical Wireless Applications in Data Centers
6. Academic / Industrial Engineering Experience

    Also read more on: Kavehrad-Selected-Communications-Society-Distinguished Lecture

April 2016 - Congratulations to Mohammadreza Aminikashani on receiving the Penn State Alumni Association Dissertation Award, Distinguished Doctoral Scholar Medal in recognition of his outstanding professional accomplishment and achievement in scholarly research.

Also: Five engineering students receive awards from the Graduate School

Also in 2015: Graduate students develop sustainability solutions to change the world

Also in 2013: Winners of 2013 College of Engineering Research Symposium announced


Photo with Penn State President Eric Barron at the Graduate Student Awards Luncheon.


Photo with Dr. Amr Elnashai, Prof. Victor Pasko, EE Graduate Program Coordinator and Prof. Peter J. Butlerat, at the Graduate Student Awards Luncheon.

April 28-29, 2016 - Prof. M. Kavehrad was invited to the:

Centennial Claude E.Shannon Conference on the Future of the Information Age


Photo with Dr. Marcus Weldon CTO of Nokia and President of Bell Labs at Claude E. Shannon Centennial, April 28-29, 2016.

More Photos with Eminent Visionaries

Video -1 (Candid Moments)

Lecture Series currently available on You Tube.

April 2016 - Congratulations to Ms. Wenjun jun Gu on receiving the Melvin P. Bloom Memorial Outstanding Doctoral Research Award in Electrical Engineering. At their annual BBQ, the Department of Electrical Engineering gave out awards to graduate students for all of their hard work and dedication. Congratulations to Wenjun Gu.




Prof. M. Kavehrad Presented an Invited Keynote at  WiSEE 2015 on Optical Wireless Theory and Applications.



2015 New Book - Short Range Optical Wireless: Theory and Applications

Description - This book discusses the fundamental aspects of multiple-source Optical Wireless Applications, including Visible Light Communications (VLC). Moreover, the authors explore VLC performance in several conventional household layouts and investigate the impact of these layouts on VLC. Multiple sources increase multipath distortion. Multi-input- Multi-Output (MIMO) techniques will be included as they provide either reliability improvement or bandwidth efficiency increase. Based on these topics, the book further explores VLC performance in real applications, such as aircraft cabin wireless communications. In addition, the authors describe the Lambertian emitting pattern of LEDs and the diffused features in indoor environments. Based on the theory, they trace light pulses to establish a MIMO indoor wireless less channel model on specific sources layout. Next, they generate test data to simulate BER distribution in a room and calculate the outage. Furthermore, addresses the performance improvement when MIMO techniques are applied. Lastly, the authors investigate VLC performance in specific applications, including for aircraft on-board wireless communications. Finally, the pitfalls of MIMO systems are discussed.




2015 Guest Editorial in IEEE Wireless Communications Magazine: 

Special issue on Visible Light Communications: Demand Factors, benefits and Opportunities - April 2015



2014 New Book: Visible Light Communications ( ISBN - 9781107061552 )

Visible light communication (VLC) is an evolving communication technology for short-range applications. Exploiting recent advances in the development of high-power visible-light emitting LEDs, VLC offers an energy-efficient, clean alternative to RF technology, enabling the development of optical wireless communication systems that make use of existing lighting infrastructure. Drawing on the expertise of leading researchers from across the world, this concise book sets out the theoretical principles of VLC, and outlines key applications of this cutting-edge technology. Providing insight into modulation techniques, positioning and communication, synchronization, and industry standards, as well as techniques for improving network performance, this is an invaluable resource for graduate students and researchers in the fields of visible light communication, optical wireless communication, and industrial practitioners in the field of telecommunications.


2014 - Consumer Electronics Showcase in Los Vegas

Center on Optical Wireless Applications in Las Vegas for the Consumer Electronic Showcase, January 6 - 10, 2014

COWA was invited by the NSF to participate in this year's Consumer Electronic Showcase. Penn State sent three representatives and conducted several live demonstrations of a working video transmission link using light and a new accurate Indoor Positioning System using visible light communication (VLC) technology. The key objective in participating in the Show was to meet prospective companies and explain the benefits of becoming a COWA member, leading to new member deployment. See more on COWA's participation at CES here and watch a video on the system here.

  2013 Invited Presentation at the 11th:

IDGA's Military Antennas East - CICTR

Multi-band, Multi-service, Sensing - Metamaterial, September 17 - 18, 2013 in Washington, D.C.

2013 NSF Projects Highlights: The LiFi Revolution

NSF Award: Broadband Sensors Optical Wireless Local Area Networks - (Pennsylvania State Univ - University Park)

2013 European Conference on Network & Optical Communications NOC-2013

Dr. M. Kavehrad presented an invited Keynote. Click on the KEYNOTES

Keynote speakers at the European conference on Network and Optical Communications


2013 - Inspired by Nature

A book titled The Shark's Paintbrush: Biomimicry and How Nature is Inspiring Innovation includes an interview with Mohsen Kavehrad, the W.L. Weiss Chair Professor of Electrical Engineering.

Author Jay Harman interviewed Kavehrad on a paper he published through a Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency/Air Force Research Laboratory project.

"We had discovered the dolphin chirps look like a wavelet waveforms we used to transmit optical pulses through clouds," Kavehrad said in an email. "The book is meant to encourage people to get inspirations from nature to imagine and invent.


2012 Penn State Establishes Relationship with Chinese University

UNIVERSITY PARK, Pa. — The College of Engineering has signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with China's Huazhong University of Science and Technology (HUST).


2012 IEEE Photonics Society Summer Topicals

Optical Wireless Systems and Applications

General Co-Chairs: Dr. G. K. Chang, Dr. M. Kavehrad

9-11 July 2012, Seattle, Washington.


 2012  Wuhan National Laboratory for Optoelectronics

(WNLO) located in Optical Valley in Wuhan China, July 2012.



2012 NSF Industry/University Cooperative Research Center for Optical Wireless Applications


The National Science Foundation (NSF) has approved an Industry/University Cooperative Research Center on Optical Wireless Applications in Penn State's Department of Electrical Engineering. The center will be funded by a five-year NSF grant and directed by Dr. Mohsen Kavhrad, W. L. Weiss Chair Professor of Electrical Engineering. The Georgia Institute of Technology also will participate in the cooperative project. The center will aim to generate technology that enables manufacturing of specific devices with larger communications capacity by employing integrated opto-electronics device design with interfaces necessary to facilitate collaborative device, system and network design.


    2012 - LED lights point shoppers in the right direction

    Looking for an item in a large department store or mall can be like searching for a needle in a haystack, but that could change thanks to     a hybrid location-identification system that uses radio frequency transmitters and overhead LED lights, suggested by a team of researchers from Penn State and Hallym University in South Korea

·         Read the full story

·         Science Daily News

·         Physorg

·         IEEE USA Today's Engineer


  • 2011 New Book:

Advanced Optical Wireless Communication Systems Hardback (ISBN-13: 9780521197878)

 Optical wireless communications is a dynamic area of research and development. Combining fundamental theory with a broad overview, this book is an ideal reference for anyone working in the field, as well as a valuable guide for self-study. It begins by describing important issues in optical wireless theory, including coding and modulation techniques for optical wireless, wireless optical CDMA communication systems, equalization and Markov chains in cloud channels and optical MIMO systems, as well as explaining key issues in information theory for optical wireless channels. The next section describes unique channels that could be found in optical wireless applications, such as NLOS UV atmospheric scattering channels, underwater communication links and a combination of hybrid RF/optical wireless systems. The final section describes applications of optical wireless technology, such as quantum encryption, visible light communication, IR links and sensor networks, with step-by-step guidelines to help reduce design time and cost.
· Covers the relevant fundamental theory, as well as giving a broad overview of the area, making it ideal for self-study as well as a reference book for engineers involved in the design of wireless communication systems
· Step-by-step design guidelines help reduce design time and cost

Real-world case studies help avoid common pitfalls.



2010 GLOBECOM Keynote Speaker

·         Speaker: Dr. Mohsen Kavehrad

·         Presentation Title:  Let There Be Light and Sustainable Energy-Efficient Wireless Applications

·         Bios and Abstracts; Miami-Florida, December 2010.


2010 Broadband Optical Wireless Communications for Sensor Networks

·         M. Kavehrad, J. Fadlullah, "Wideband optical propagation measurement system for characterization of indoor optical wireless channels," Proc. SPIE, Vol. 7620, 76200E Conference, DOI:10.1117/12.840266, San Francisco, California, January 2010. (INVITED).

·         J. Fadlullah, M. Kavehrad, “Indoor High-Bandwidth Optical Wireless Links for Sensor Networks,” IEEE Journal of Lightwave Technology, Vol. 28, No. 21, pp. 3086-3094, November 1, 2010.

 In the News:

§  Penn-State Research News Break

§  EE News, February 2010

§  Technology Review by MIT

§  Photonics Spectra

2009 ETRI Journal Paper of the Year Award

This paper was selected as the Paper of the Year and received an award.

2009 Bloom PhD Student Award

Electrical Engineering Melvin P. Bloom Memorial Outstanding Doctoral Research Award Winner; Ali Enteshari

2009 Greater than 10 Gbps Workshop

2009 Paper Award

A.  Enteshari and M. Kavehrad, “40/100 Gbps Transmission over Copper: Myths and Realities,” Proceedings of DesignCon, Santa Clara, CA, February 2009.  

The above paper received a DesignCon Paper Award in the High-Speed and RF Design Category. DesignCon Paper Awards recognize outstanding contributions to the educational goals of the DesignCon program. Papers are judged both on the merits of the written document and on the quality of their presentation at DesignCon 2009.


2008-2007 Beyond 10 Gbps Transmission on Copper Ethernet

Penn-State Research News:  Researchers Push Transmission Rate of Copper Cable

November 14, 2007.

  Atlanta, You may not be able to get blood out of a turnip, but according to Penn State engineers, you can increase the data transmission of   Category-7 copper cables used to connect computers to each other and the Internet.


November 2007 Plenary Week IEEE 802.3 Higher Speed Study Group Meeting, Atlanta, GA.

Presentation Title: Towards 100G over 100 Meters of CAT-7

Dr. Mohsen Kavehrad, A. Enteshari, J. Fadlullah

News Media :

·                     Network World: Researchers pushing 100 Gig

·                     United Press International: Copper cable transmission rate increased

·                     Phys. Org. : Researchers push ....

·                     StateCollege.Com : Researchers push transmission rate of copper cables

·                     ZD-Net : 100 gigabits per second over copper?

·                     Innovation Reports : Researchers push transmission rate of copper cables

·                     Mehr News : High-Speed Transmission

·                     IRIB-News : 100GBASE-T Copper

·                     Hamshahry: Interview on High-speed over copper

·                     CeBIT - Newsanzeige :100 GBit/s durch Kupfer gequetscht

·                     Heise Online : 100 GBit-s durch Kupfer gequetscht

                         2007-2006 White Light Emitting Diodes for Home Networking

Encoded light transmissions can provide the wireless devices in a room with multimedia Web services such as; video-conferencing, movies on demand and more ….

                         Broadband Room Service by Light

By: Mohsen Kavehrad

Scientific American Journal,   July 2007

·         M. Kavehrad, P. Amirshahi, “Hybrid MV-LV Power Lines and White Light Emitting Diodes for Triple-Play Broadband Access Communications,” IEC comprehensive report on; Achieving the Triple Play: Technologies and Business Models for Success, ISBN: 978-1-931695-37-4, December 2005. (.PDF)

·         P. Amirshahi and M. Kavehrad, “Transmission Channel Model and Capacity of Overhead Multi-conductor Medium-Voltage Power-lines for Broadband Communications,” IEEE Consumer Communications & Networking Conference, Las Vegas, Nevada, January 2005. (.PDF)

·         P. Amirshahi and M. Kavehrad, “Medium Voltage Overhead Power-line Broadband Communications; Transmission Capacity and Electromagnetic Interference,” Proceedings of ISPLC 2005, Vancouver, Canada, April 2005.

·         Penn-State Research News: Optical Wireless And Broadband Over Power Lines

Tuesday, Jan. 10, 2006, at 5 p.m. EST

·          Physic-Org.: Optical wireless and broadband over power lines………….

·          Technology News Daily: Optical Wireless………..

·          Science Daily: Optical Wireless And Broadband Over Power………

·          CNN_Magazine _Com: Wi-Fi alternative

·          Industry News - The IEE: LED lighting could deliver wireless broadband, researchers claim

·          The SPIE OE magazine: White LEDs offer wi-fi alternative

·          LASER Focus-Japan: With white LED high-speed optical wireless communication

·          Philadelphia Inquirer: Lighting up wireless Internet link


2005 Broadband Transmission over Medium Voltage Powerlines

·         P. Amirshahi and M. Kavehrad, ‘Models for Outdoor Channels,” Invited Section in Power Line communications,

John Wiley & Sons Ltd, ISBN 978-0-470-74030-9, 2010.

·         P. Amirshahi and M. Kavehrad, “High-Frequency Characteristics of Overhead Multi-conductor Power Lines for Broadband Communications,”

IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, Vol. 24, No. 7, July 2006.

·         P. Amirshahi and M. Kavehrad, “Medium Voltage Overhead Power-line Broadband Communications; Transmission

Capacity and Electromagnetic Interference,” Proceedings of ISPLC 2005, Vancouver, Canada, April 2005.

·         P. Amirshahi and M. Kavehrad, “Transmission Channel Model and Capacity of Overhead Multi-conductor Medium-Voltage

Power-lines for Broadband Communications,” IEEE Consumer Communications & Networking Conference, Las Vegas, January 2005.



·         Penn-State Research News: Power Line Data Transmission Capacity: Bigger Than DSL Or Cable

January 5, 2005

University Park, Pa. -- Penn State engineers have developed a new model for high-speed broadband transmissions over U.S. overhead electric Power-lines and estimate that, at full data rate handling capacity, the lines can provide bit rates that far exceed DSL or cable over similar spans.

·         WPSX-TV Pennsylvania ... Inside Out, a TV interview : High-voltage electrical power lines could be used for communications


·         Scientific American: Broadband to the people

·         The Energy Daily: Repeaters are key –Properly “tuned” power line offers broadest broadband

·         BPL Today: Penn-State finds gigabit in US grid

·         FCC Chairman Powell kicks off his new regular AO blog: Michael Powell Joins the Blogosphere

·         Transmission & Distribution: Researchers…………..

· - Evergreen, VA,USA: Power line data transmission capacity: Bigger than DSL or cable

·         Reuters – USA: Researchers See Gigabit Data Over Power Lines

·         Betterhumans: Power Line Internet Could Crush Cable, DSL

·         Innovation report - Germany: Power line data transmission capacity: Bigger than DSL or cable

·         Science Blog: Power line data transmission capacity Bigger than DSL or cable Science Blog

·         CNN_Magazine: Internet Over Power Lines

·         ABS CBN News, Philippines: Researchers see gigabit data over power lines

·         Reuters – France: Des chercheurs prévoient du très haut débit sur ligne électrique

·         Science Daily: Power Line Data Transmission Capacity: Bigger Than DSL Or Cable

·         Daily Science News: Power Line……….

·         Yahoo News- Singapore: Researchers see………….

·         The Digital Collegian: BPL offers faster Web connection

·         Intercom-PSU: Powerline data transmission capacity could be bigger than DSL, cable

·         Black Issues in Higher Education: Penn State Engineers Present Expanded View of Broadband by Power Lines


           2004 Fractal Wavelet Transmission Free Space Optical Links Through Clouds - Adaptive Rate

Multi-rate, ultra-short laser pulses -- with wave forms shaped like dolphin chirps -- offer a new approach to help optical wireless signals penetrate clouds, fog and other adverse weather conditions, say Penn State engineers.

·         M. Kavehrad, B. Hamzeh, “Beaming Bandwidth via Laser Communications,” NASA ICNS’05, Fairfax, VA, May 2-5, 2005.

·         M. Kavehrad, B. Hamzeh ”Laser Communication System Using Wavelet-Based Multi-Rate Signaling,” Proceedings of IEEE MILCOM, Monterey-California, November 2004.

·         M. Kavehrad, B. Hamzeh ”Ultra-short Pulsed FSO Communications System with Wavelet Fractal Modulation,” Proceedings of Optics East, Philadelphia Pennsylvania, October 2004.

·         Penn-State Research News: Multi-Rate Laser Pulses Could Boost Outdoor Optical Wireless Performance

·         Penn-State Board of Trustees meets; President Spanier's Remarks

·         Government Technology: Optical Wireless Signals

·         SCI-TECH TODAY: Digital Dolphins May Improve Telecom

·         GehirnwäschefürMobiltelefone: Per Laserpuls

·         ScienceDaily: Multi-rate Laser Pulses Could Boost Outdoor Optical Wireless Performance

·         Laser Focus World: Multi-rate laser pulses could boost outdoor optical wireless performance

·         Laser Focus World: CONF. REVIEW: Optics East features nanotechnology and ITCom

·         Wireless News Factor: Digital Dolphins May Improve Telecom

·         The Engineer: Dolphin chirps send a clear message


2003 10Gbps Transmission over Standard Category-5e or 6 Copper Cable (10GBASE-T)

Research focus here is on conceptual designs and demonstration of a 10GBASE-T copper transmission system for distribution of a digital signal over ~100 meters of a standard CAT-5e or 6 copper cables.

      Presentation to the IEEE 802.3 Standards Committee, the 10GBASE-T Study Group Meeting, New Mexico, November 2003.

·         M. Kavehrad, J. F. Doherty, J. H. Jeong, A. Roy and G. Malhotra, “10 Gbps Transmission over Standard Category-5 Copper Cable,” Proceedings of GLOBECOM’03, San Francisco, CA., December 2003.


·         Penn-State Research News: Copper wire shown to be competitive with fiber optic cable for LANS


·         Eurek-Alert: Copper wire ……………..

·         GRID Today: Copper Wire Competitive With Fiber Optic Cable For LANS

·         HimTimes: Copper Wire……………

·         Continuity Central: Copper wire broadband LANS shown to have advantages over fibre

·         Today's focus: Cat-6 may go farther…………..

·         Wire and Cable International Overview (page-3): Copper seen as competition for FO cable

·         Monitor: Copper wire competitive………….

·         The WAI Connection: Can copper wire match……….

·         Net Market: Cobre pode substituir fibra óptica na transmissão de dados

·         Industrial Networking: Copper competitive with fibre optic cable for LANs?

·         Business Week: Developments to watch

·         Innovations-report : Copper wire shown to be competitive with fiber optic cable for LANS

·         Digital Education Navigator: Copper Wire Transmission Scheme

·         Distance Educator: Copper wire shown to be competitive with fiber optic cable for LANS

·         Science Blog: Copper wire shown to be competitive with fiber optic cable for LANS

·         RedNova: Copper Wire Competes With Fiber Optic Cable

·         Nexans White Paper: Dynamic Performance……….

·         Nexans White Paper: Nexans efforts on 10Gbe over UTP


2002 Dynamic Time-Division Duplex in Broadband Access for Wireless Internet

Dynamic Allocation Technique Boosts Efficiency and Minimizes Interference for Wireless Broadband Systems for Internet Access.


·          W.C. Jeong, M. Kavehrad, “Co-Channel Interference Reduction in Dynamic-TDD Fixed Wireless Applications, using Time Slot Allocation Algorithms,” IEEE

·          Trans. on Commun., Vol. 50, No. 10, October 2002.


·          Penn-State Research News: New Allocation Technique Boosts Efficiency for Wireless Internet Access

·          ASME: Clarifying Wireless High-Speed Internet

·          Innovation Reports: Allocation technique boosts efficiency, minimizes interference for wireless internet broadband

·          The Washington Times: Stories of modern science ...

·          Science Blog: Allocation technique boosts efficiency, minimizes interference for wireless internet broadband

·          EurekAlert: Allocation technique boosts efficiency, minimizes interference for wireless internet broadband


2001 IEEE VTS Neal Shepherd Best Propagation Paper Award

Awarded to the paper entitled, "Indoor Wireless Infrared Channel Characterization by Measurements," IEEE Trans. on Vehicular Tech., Vol.-50, No. 4, July 2001, authored by M.R. Pakravan, M. Kavehrad, H. Hashemi. M.R. Pakravan received his Ph.D. degree under Dr. Kavehrad’s supervision in the year 2000 with a Dissertation Title: "Indoor Infrared Wireless Communication Channel”.



2001 Novel Holographic Spherical Mirror as a Receiver Optical Front-end for Broadband Infrared Indoor Wireless Communications,

Novel optical design helps to achieve very high bit rates in wireless infrared in-house communications.

·                 S. Jivkova, M. Kavehrad, “Holographic Optical Receiver Front-End for Wireless Infrared Indoor Communications,” OSA Applied Optics Journal, June 2001.

·         Penn-State Research News: Low Power, Highly Reliable, Wireless, Infrared LAN

·         New York Times Article: Beaming Data Holds Promise, With Limits, for Networking

·         Center Daily Times Article: Professor sees the future in infrared

·         The Digital Collegian: Researchers look into ways to network computers through infrared light

·         Electronics Times: Inside job for network system

·         Pennsylvania Business Center:  Penn State researchers showcase wireless LAN

·         IEEE Communications Society Industry NewsCache (INC): Scientists are working on high-speed

·         Science Daily Magazine: Low Power, Highly Reliable, Wireless, Infrared

·         ICON News: Beaming data could be networking's saviour

·         Wireless News Factor: Does Infrared Have a Chance?

·         Uni-Science: Indoor Wireless LANs Minus Line-of-Sight IR can work

·         Penn-State Intercom: Wireless IR LAN

·         Photonics Spectra: IR Wireless signals High Bandwidth at Low Power

·         TRN News: Holograms control data beams

·         INFORMATICA 2.0: Redes conectadas con rayos infrarrojos….

·         EE TIMES, UK: Inside job for low power network system with reduced error rate

·         Laser Focus World: Free-space optical communications

·         ASME: Low-Power LANs Have Low Error Rates

·         December 1998 IEEE Comm. Magazine: Imaging Diversity Receivers for High-Speed Infrared Wireless Communication

·         E4Engineering, UK. : Penn State discovery is out of sight

1999 Lucent ( Bell Labs.) visit, New Jersey

Work on Dynamic Time-Division-Duplex Wireless Local Loop, using smart antennas.

·         J. Li, S. Farahvash, M. Kavehrad, R. Valenzuela "Dynamic TDD and Fixed Cellular Networks," IEEE Communications Letters, Vol. 4, No. 7, July 2000.

1999 Broadband Wireless Access Systems

Solutions to the broadband wireless subscriber access problems, e.g., those associated with wireless networks evolution. To name a few; Linearized Transmitters, Propagation Modeling, Network Architecture, Dynamic Time-Division-Duplex Wireless Local Loop, QoS Provisioning for Wireless ATM by Variable-Rate Coding. 

The Linearized Transmitters work has been adopted into Agilent Technologies “Linearization Design Guide,” December 2003.

Lockheed Martin Corp. announced a commitment to a variety of student aid needs and research projects in Penn State's College of Engineering and ...

(From left to right)

Marcus C. Hansen, President of Lockheed Martin Management & Data Systems
Kathleen J. Muhonen, Ph.D. candidate in the Department of Electrical Engineering, CICTR
Dr. Graham Spanier, President of The Pennsylvania State University

Dr. David Wormley, Dean, College of Engineering



1999 Book: Mobile Computing Environments for Multimedia Systems

Editorial reviews on book description:


Mobile Computing Environments for Multimedia systems brings together in one place important contributions and up-to-date research results in this fast moving area. Mobile Computing Environments for Multimedia Systems serves as an excellent reference, providing insight into some of the most challenging research issues in the field.

·         By: B. Prabhakaran (Editor), Mohsen Kavehrad (Editor)

Hardcover - (May 1999) - Kluwer Academic Publishers; ISBN: 0792385497.

1998 - Bi-directional Optical Amplifier, U.S. Patent 5,815,308

Allows bi-directional WDM transmission using an Erbium-Doped Fiber Amplifier.

o   F. Khaleghi, J. Li, M. Kavehrad, H. Kim, Bidirectional Optical Amplifier (U.S. Patent 5,815,308), issued September 29, 1998.

o   C. Barnard, J. Chrostowski, M. Kavehrad, "Bi-Directional Fiber Amplifiers," IEEE Photonics Tech. Letters, Vol. 4, No. 8, August 1992.

1996 NORTEL (Now owned by AT&T & Bell Canada) Sabbatical Visit, Ottawa

Worked on ADSL and VDSL for telephone Network Local Loop.

M. Hawryluck, A. Yongacoglu, M. Kavehrad, "Simulation of a FFT-Based Discrete Multi-tone System for ADSL and VDSL Transmission," Proceedings of ISCC'98, Athens, June 1998.

M. Hawryluck, A. Yongacoglu, M. Kavehrad, "Efficient Equalization of Discrete Wavelet Multi-Tone over Twisted Pair," Proceedings of  Int. Zurich Seminar on Broadband Communications, Zurich-Switzerland, pp. 193-200, February 1998.

M. Hawryluck, M. Kavehrad, "Equalization Requirements for CAP/QAM Transmission at ADSL and VDSL Data Rates on Category-3 UTP: Theory and Simulation Results," Proceedings of CCBR, Ottawa-Canada, April 1997.

1995 WDM / Space Division Multiplexing Optical Cross-Connect

New all-optical cross-connect system with wavelength re-use, allowing construction of large-scale cross-connects. Design was in collaboration with NORTEL, Ottawa.

·         Y.D. Jin, M. Kavehrad, "Optical Cross-Connect Based on WDM and Space-Division Multiplexing," IEEE Photonics Tech. Lett., Vol. 7, No. 11, pp. 1300-1302, November 1995.

1995 NSERC CANADA PhD Thesis Gold Medal

Awarded to the PhD dissertation entitled: "Properties and Applications of Rare-Earth-Doped Fiber Amplifiers and Lasers", by Christopher Barnard, University of Ottawa, 1994.



Optical Fiber Communications Conference, San Jose , CA., 1994

1994 WDM Cross-Connected Star Topology for the Bi-Layered ShuffleNet

A WDM cross-connect based on integrating a two-dimensional array of Bragg cells was employed in the design of a Bi-Layered ShuffleNet. The new configuration uses the same configuration as the conventional ShuffleNet, but with addition of another set of connections, achieving a higher efficiency.

·         F. Ayadi, J. Hayes, and M. Kavehrad. WDM Cross-Connected Star Topology for the Bilayered Shufflenet. Journal of Lightwave Technology, 12(9):1668--1678, September 1994.  

1994 New Optical CDMA Designs to achieve Bipolar Capacity with Unipolar Codes

Solved a fundamental problem that occurs due to insufficient correlation response, in using optical CDMA.

·         D. Zaccarin, M. Kavehrad, "New Architecture for Incoherent Optical CDMA to achieve Bipolar Capacity, " Electronics Lett., Vol. 30, No. 3, Feb. 1994.

1993 - Optical CDMA System based on Spectral Encoding of LED

Novel and low-cost design of a high-speed optical router / switch with a very-high aggregate throughput. Was commercialized by Code-Stream Inc in CA.


·         D. Zaccarin, M. Kavehrad, "An Optical CDMA System Based on Spectral Encoding of LED," IEEE/LEOS Photonics Tech. Lett. Journal, Vol. 5, No. 6, April 1993.

1993 - IEEE LEOS Best Student Paper Award in Photonics

IEEE LEOS best student paper award goes to a paper entitled, "An Experiment on a CDM Sub-carrier Multiplexed Optical Fiber Local Area Network," IEEE/LEOS Photonics Technology Letters, July 1992, authored by M. Kavehrad, F. Khaleghi and G. Bodeep. F. Khaleghi received her M.Sc. degree under supervision of Dr. Kavehrad in the year 1992 with a M.S. dissertation entitled: " Spread Spectrum Fiber LANs".


 1993 - Indoor Infrared Channel Characterization by Measurements

A large set of measurements was taken at the University Of Ottawa. By measuring thousands of indoor channel transfer functions in different rooms at different points, we investigated impacts of receiver rotation and shadowing on the properties of indoor infrared channels. A broadband measurement system was designed and developed for use throughout the experiments. Measurement results were used to find and present methods to estimate variations of channel path loss for small changes in the receiver direction, using statistical techniques. Results of this work along with a system design were transferred to the IMAX Corporation for in-theater broadcasting of CD-quality special audio channels to the audience.

H. Hashemi, G. Yun, M. Kavehrad, F. Behbahani, P. Galko, "Indoor Propagation Measurements at Infrared for Wireless Local Area Networks Applications," IEEE Trans. on Veh. Tech., Vol. 43, no. 3, pp. 562-576, Aug. 1994.

M.R. Pakravan, M. Kavehrad, H. Hashemi, "Indoor Wireless Infrared Channel Characterization by Measurements," IEEE Trans. on Vehicular Tech., Vol.-50, No. 4, July 2001.

1992 - Novel Integrated-Optic WDM Cross-Connect

Proposed a novel design for an integrated-optic WDM cross-connect that can be used in various wavelength routing network applications. This subsystem works based on integrating a two-dimensional array of Bragg diffraction cells at cross points of input/output co-planner wave-guides. This work is innovative and in direct response to a significant need in the industrial development of WDM systems. A method for configuring an efficient holographic cross-connect is presented. It makes the construction of a one-piece coupler possible and thus eliminates the excess loss problem associated with cascade couplers and reduces the structural complexity. It is shown that a 100% efficiency figure can be achieved through the entire array by using a properly designed space-varying refractive-index slab. It is demonstrated how a wave-mixing method can be utilized as one possible method of configuring such a cross-connect, using a constant temporal optical frequency involving nonlinear media such as photo-refractive crystals. 

            For further information see:

·         M. Tabiani, M. Kavehrad, M. Irshid, "A Novel Integrated-Optic WDM Cross-Connect for Wide Area All Optical Networks," IEEE/OSA Journal of Lightwave Tech., Vol. 11, No. 3, March 1993.

1992 - IEEE LEOS Best Student Paper Award in Photonics

IEEE LEOS best student paper award goes to a paper entitled, "Bi-Directional Fiber Amplifiers," IEEE Photonics Tech. Letters, Vol. 4, No. 8, August 1992, authored by C. Barnard, J. Chrostowski, M. Kavehrad. C. Barnard received his Ph.D. degree under supervision of Dr. Kavehrad in the year 1994 with a PhD dissertation entitled: "Properties and Applications of Rare-Earth-Doped Fiber Amplifiers and Lasers".

1992 - Fully Transparent Fiber Ring for WDM Networks

Is one of the first attempts to provide WDM networking on an all-optical ring topology. Idea was implemented in DARPA / Bellcor demonstration projects.

·         M. I. Irshid, M. Kavehrad, "A Fully Transparent Fiber-Optic Ring Architecture for WDM Networks," IEEE/OSA Journal of Lightwave Technology, Vol. 10, NO. 1, January 1992, pp. 101-108.





           1991 - IEEE LEOS Best Student Paper Award in Photonics

IEEE LEOS best student paper award goes to a paper entitled, "Fiber-Optic Transmission of Microwave 64-QAM Signals," IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, Vol. 8, No. 7, Sept. 1990, pp. 1320-1326, co-authored by E. Savov and M. Kavehrad. E. Savov received his Ph.D. degree under supervision of Dr. Kavehrad in the year 1991 with a dissertation entitled: "Multi-Channel Photonic Networks".

1991 - NTT Laboratories visit, Japan

  • Work on Diversity in Direct Sequence/ Spread Spectrum Mobile Radio, improving the performance.
  • A. Higashi, T. Matsumoto, M. Kavehrad, "Effect of Noise-Only-Paths on the Performance Improvement of Post Demodulation Selection Diversity in DS/SS Mobile Radio, "IEICE Trans. on Communications (Japan), Vol. E76-B, No. 4, April 1993.

1990 Optical Interconnection Devices, U.S. Patent 5,179,605 and U.S. Patent 5,469,277

Invention and investigation of a wavelength routing star coupler based on holographic gratings. This work is innovative and in direct response to a significant need in the industrial development of WDM systems. A method for configuring an efficient N*N optical passive star coupler is introduced. It makes the construction of a one-piece coupler possible and thus eliminates the excess loss problem associated with cascade couplers and reduces the structural complexity. It is shown that a 100% efficiency figure can be achieved through the entire array by using a properly designed space-varying refractive-index slab. A mathematical analysis of the space-varying refractive-index slab is given and spatial frequencies of the required refractive-index pattern are examined. It is demonstrated how the wave-mixing method can be utilized as one possible method of configuring such a slab, using a constant temporal optical frequency involving nonlinear media such as photo-refractive crystals.

·         Optical Interconnection Device (U.S. Patent 5,179,605

·         Optical Interconnection Device  (U.S. Patent 5,469,277



1989 - Spot-Diffusing/Direction-Diversity Transceiver for indoor Infrared Communications

[A Multi-Input, Multi-Output (MIMO) System]

Implementation of angle diversity using non-imaging elements requires a separate optical concentrator for each receiving element, which may be excessively bulk and costly. We proposed the fly-eye receiver, which consists of a single imaging optical concentrator (e.g., a lens) that forms an image of the received light on a collection of photo-detectors, thereby separating signals that arrive from different directions. This new design is referred to as an imaging angle-diversity receiver, or simply an imaging receiver. The imaging design has two advantages over a non-imaging angle-diversity receiver. First, all photo-detectors share a common concentrator, reducing the size and the cost. Second, all the photo-detectors can be laid out in a single planar array, facilitating the use of a large number of receiving elements or pixels.

In non-directed, non-LOS links, the conventional diffuse transmitter utilizes a single broad beam aimed at reflecting surfaces within a room, such as the ceiling. We proposed to replace this by the spot-diffusing transmitter, which employs multiple narrow beams pointed in different directions toward these reflecting surfaces. This is referred to as a multi-beam or quasi-diffuse transmitter. While the diffuse transmitter provides considerable immunity against beam blockage near the receiver, it yields a high path loss. The quasi-diffuse transmitter is expected to reduce path loss compared to the diffuse transmitter, because the narrow beams experience little path loss traveling, from the transmitter to the illuminated reflective surfaces.

The pioneering work in this paper, a Multi-Input, Multi-Output (MIMO) architecture, contributed to the use of multi-element antennas at both transmitter and receiver ends for achieving higher capacities over severely band-limited wireless channels, in the RF-MIMO world.

·         G. Yun, M. Kavehrad, “Spot Diffusing and Fly-Eye Receivers for Indoor Infrared Wireless Communications," Proceedings of IEEE Wireless Communications Conference Proceedings, Vancouver, June 1992.

·         G. Yun, M. Kavehrad, " Indoor Infrared Wireless Communications Using Spot Diffusing and Fly-Eye Receivers," The Canadian Jour. on Elect & Comp. Eng., Vol. 18, No. 4, October 1993.

1987-91 Optical Transmission of Microwave Signals over Fiber

Bell Labs Technical Report proposing sub-carrier multiplexed 64-QAM over a single-mode fiber. Later, in 1990 Block and Convolutional Codes were introduced to combat the deleterious effects of Relative-Intensity-Noise (RIN). The concept is used today to carry signals between cells in a cellular network.

·         M. Kavehrad, A.C. Chipaloski, "Optical Transmission of Microwave 64-Level Quadrature Amplitude Modulated Signals at 1.3 Micron Wavelength," Technical Memorandum, AT&T Bell Laboratories, October 1987.

·         M. Kavehrad, E. Savov, "Fiber-Optic Transmission of Microwave 64-QAM Signals," IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, Vol. 8, No. 7, Sept. 1990, pp. 1320-1326.



Dr. H. Otsuka, former President and CEO, NTT DoCoMo Beijing Commun. Labs. visited Dr. Kavehrad’s Laboratory to jointly work on:

§  H. Ohtsuka, O. Kagami, S. Komaki, K. Kohiyama, M. Kavehrad, "256-QAM Sub-carrier Transmission Using Coding and Optical Intensity Modulation in Distribution Networks," IEEE/LEOS Photonics Technology Letters, April 1991.

1987 Restoration Free-Space-Optical (FSO) Wireless Links

Bell Labs Technical Reports proposing use of broadband Free-Space-Optical (FSO) wireless links for short ranges between buildings. These have since been manufactured by several companies for providing wireless broadband access and as a means of restoration when fiber links break.

1987 Hybrid Optical & RF Combined Wireless Links

Bell Labs Technical Reports proposing use of broadband access Hybrid Optical & RF Combined Wireless Links for diversity against fading and as a countermeasure against RF interference for short ranges between buildings. See DARPA/ATO BAA-04-03 project, “Optical & RF Combined Link Experiment (ORCLE),” November 2003.


·         M. Kavehrad, “A Countermeasure to Improve Outage Performance of Interference-Limited Microwave Radio Links,” Canadian Journal of Electrical & Computer Engineering, Vol. 16, No. 1, January 1991.

·         M. Kavehrad, "A Hybrid Radio Model and its Performance in RF Interference Environments," Technical Memorandum, AT&T Bell Laboratories, April 1988.

·         M. Kavehrad, "Design and Performance Considerations for the Hybrid Atmospheric Optical/Digital Microwave Network Systems," Technical Memorandum, AT&T Bell Laboratories, December 1987.

1987 - Multi-Access Protocols for very High-Speed All-Optical Passive Star LANs,

U.S. Patent # 4,797,879

Bell Labs Technical Report on invention of contention-based multi-access protocols that route information packets optically, on the fly, using a fixed number of available wavelengths in a WDM router. This is one of the first IP based WDM all-optical solutions. Idea was implemented in DARPA demonstration projects.

 I.M. Habbab, M. Kavehrad, C.-E. Sundberg Packet Switched        Interconnection Protocols for a Star Configured Optical LAN (U.S. Patent # 4,797,879).

1987 - Passive Star Optical LAN Using CSMA/CD US Patent # 4701909

Bell Labs Technical Report proposing a novel CSMA/CD Optical LAN concept that was later realized by Codenoll Technology Corporation in Yonkers, New York.

·         M. Kavehrad, C.-E. Sundberg, "New Collision Detection Method for a Passive Star Optical Local Area Network using CSMA/CD," US Patent # 4701909, issued October 20, 1987.

1986 - Maximum Entropy and Moments

Bell Labs Technical Report proposes use of Maximum Entropy and the Method of Moments for Evaluation of Probability of Error in Digital Communications. The devised methodology has been extensively used in analysis/design of fiber optic transmission systems.

·         M. Kavehrad, M. Joseph, "Maximum Entropy and the Method of Moments in Performance Evaluation of Digital Communication Systems," IEEE Trans. on Communications, pp. 1183-1189, December 1986.


1985 - Interference Cancellation and Coding over a (MIMO: Space-Time) Multipath Fading Channels

U.S. Patent #4,644,562, and US Patent # 4,577,330

The first decision-driven Multi-user Detector reported in the literature appears to be an MMSE detector (U.S. Patent #4,644,562 ) designed to cancel cross-polarization interference over band-limited multipath fading transmission channels in a Multi-Input-Multi-Output (MIMO) Space-Time configuration†.

 † Sergio Verdu, Multiuser Detection, Cambridge Univ. Press, pp.-386, 1998.

See also, the GLOBECOM’95 PAPER by Dr. John Barry -- Georgia Tech., 1995.

At about the same time, work was continued into Combined QAM and Trellis codes for cross-coupled Multidimensional Channels.

·         M. Kavehrad, " Baseband Cross-Polarization Interference Cancellation for M-Quadrature Amplitude Modulated Signals over Multipath Fading Radio Channels," AT&T Technical Journal, Vol. 64, No. 8, pp. 1913-1926, October 1985.

·         M. Kavehrad, J. Salz," Cross-Polarization Cancellation and Equalization in Digital Transmission Over Dually-Polarized Multipath Fading Channels," AT&T Technical Journal, Vol. 64, No. 10, December 1985. Also, see U.S. Patent # 4,644,562.

·         M. Kavehrad, P.J. McLane and C-E. Sundberg, "On the Performance of Combined QAM and Convolutional Codes for Cross-Coupled Multidimensional Channels," IEEE Trans. on Communications, pp. 1190-1201, December 1986.

·         M. Kavehrad and C-E. Sundberg, "Bit Error Probability of Trellis Coded Quadrature Amplitude Modulation Over Cross-Coupled Multidimensional Channels," IEEE Trans. on Communications, pp. 369-381, April 1987.        

1984 - Spread-Spectrum Indoor Wireless (W-CDMA)US Patent # 4,672,658

In several Bell Labs papers and by a real feasibility model development, we proposed one of the first wideband direct-sequence spread spectrum (W-CDMA) wireless systems with CDMA base-stations for voice/data transmissions inside the buildings (Origins of Hot-Spots and WiFi). This was well before the activities of Qualcomm Inc and other companies on CDMA access in mobile cellular and wireless LANs applications.

These works, as said by the FCC rule makers, speeded up the FCC allocation of the ISM bands. The 802.11b standard has its roots back in these works, as well.

At the time, these were daunting tasks to take on at Bell Labs. Later, many industries followed these pioneering works to product level.

The June 1987 IEEE Communications Magazine Guest Editorial started a series of articles that shed some light on the confusions within the Mobile and Portable Communications community, at the time.

· US Patent # 4,672,658, Spread Spectrum Wireless PBX.

  • M. Kavehrad, B. Ramamurthi, "Direct-Sequence Spread Spectrum with DPSK Modulation and Diversity for Indoor, Wireless Communications," IEEE Trans. on Communications, February 1987, pp. 224-236.
  • M. Kavehrad, G.E. Bodeep, "Design and Experimental Results for a Direct-Sequence Spread-Spectrum Radio using Differential Phase Shift Keying Modulation for Indoor, Wireless Communications," IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, June 1987, pp. 815- 823.
  • M. Kavehrad, P.J. McLane, "Performance of Low-Complexity Channel-Coding and Diversity for Spread-Spectrum in Indoor, Wireless Communication," AT&T Technical Journal, Vol. 64, No. 8, October 1985, pp. 1927-1966.
  • M. Kavehrad, "Performance of Non-Diversity Receivers for Spread Spectrum in Indoor Wireless Communications," AT&T Technical Journal, Vol. 64, No. 6, Part-1, July-August 1985, pp. 1181-1210.

M. Kavehrad, P.J. McLane, "Spread Spectrum for Indoor Digital Radio," IEEE Communications Magazine, June 1987, pp. 32-40.

1982 - A Class of Convolutional Codes for High-Speed Digital-Radio

Bell Labs Technical Report offers a detailed design of High-Efficiency Codes used in ATT DR4 and DR6 Microwave Digital Radios.

·         M. Kavehrad, "Convolutional Coding for High-Speed Microwave Radio Communications," AT&T Technical Journal, Vol. 64, No. 7, pp. 1625-1638, September 1985.

1981 - CDMA Packet Radio Network

GTE Labs Technical Report proposes use of and evaluates throughput/delay performance of CDMA packet radios having fixed or mobile access to portable handheld computing devices. Many companies now manufacture wireless palmtops.

·         M. Kavehrad, "An Accessing Technique for Information Packet Networks," Proceedings of EASCON, Washington, D.C., November 1981.

1979 - Packet Switched Satellite Communications

GTE Labs. Technical Report proposes use of and evaluates performance of Packet Switched Satellite Access to portable handheld computing and communications devices. Many companies now manufacture such systems.


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